Google, Qualcomm, Intel few other companies are halting their services for Huawei

Google, Qualcomm, Intel few other companies are halting their services for Huawei - Tech News - Techsurff

Trump Administration added Huawei Technologies Co Ltd. into the blacklist by the government of United States of America as the matter of Nations security thinking Huawei phones are tracking the data of “United States of America”. As this Chinese company is listed in ‘Entity List” so that, the companies in the United States of America cannot do business with Huawei. Major Chip manufacturing companies like Intel Corp., Qualcomm Inc., Xilinx Inc ., and Broadcom Inc., suspended their business with Huawei. Not only these major chip companies, Alphabet inc., the parent company of google also suspended its hardware, software services and canceled android license of Huawei. So there will be no software and hardware support provided by these companies to Huawei.

As of now the customers of Huawei or Huawei mobile users can continue using the mobile phones with pre-installed applications and updates from Google. Google play store support and Google play store security can be provided to all the existing users of Huawei Mobiles stated by Google spokesperson.

The suspension will be applied to the Huawei mobile phones which are out of China. Access for all android software updates and upcoming versions of Huawei android software updates will be halted and Google services like google play store, Gmail, youtube and other services will be halted until next notice. Until then Huawei mobile users can only use the public version of Android and cannot use any google services.

US Commerce Department stated that it may reconsider the suspension of Huawei devices as there several issues raising on existing network operations and equipment. Blocking the sales of this china company Huawei is also going to show the effect on few chip manufacturing companies in the United States America like Micron Technologies Inc., and issues of 5G networks will be raised across the world including China.

Google is still continuing its discussions over the specific services under suspension and Huawei attorneys are also studying the impact of the case.

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